Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Best Wishes for 2009
नये वर्ष की सबसे पहले
तुमको आज बधाई
जीवन सुखमय हो सुंदर हो
सफल सरल हो भाई
भेद भाव मन में मत रखना
जग में पाओ बडाई
जीवन से हो जीवन प्रेरित
मन की आज दुहाई
भले बुरे इस जग में है सब
हिंदू मुस्लिम सिख ईसाई
कहता है मन आज सभी से
मत तुम बनो कसाई
काम दूसरों के आना ही
बहूत बड़ी सच्चाई
देश की सीमाओं को लांघ हम
फैला दे अच्छाई
दुनिया छोटी है भोली सी
दिल में आज समई
हर बच्चे को हर जवान को
मेहनत कश बूढे किसान को
भूखे नंगे को या महान को
हर मूरख एक विद्वान को
हर जीवन जीने वाले को
धरती पर पलने वाले को
आने वाले नये साल की
बारंबार बधाई
अभय सविता अमृत कहते
बारंबार बधाई
अभय भारती(य), 31 दिसंबर 2008 23.19 (आई एस टी)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Amitabh Bachan - Top Movies Discussed
First thing first my salute to those young soul who request you to recite Dr. Bachchan, I call him Janakavi, a poet of the masses. A man who in most of his work delegated his conscience to work constantly to keep himself as close to the common man as could be possible for a poet. And how distinctly he achieved his set standards that Madhushala his work of 1935 nearly refelects the best even after 75 years. Indeed we are proud to have been blessed with a poet of such great thought and connectivity with the general masses of te land. I salute the spirit of Dr. Bachchan, that I could not meet him despite both of us being in the same city for such a long time is something I sometimes regret. Now my repetitive telling of the fact that it was because of you is not going to change the fact that I could not meet someone I reverred as much if not more than you! It is all right! Man ka ho to achchha hai na ho to aur bhi achchha hai!
Coming to your today’s blog and the contents therein I feel proud of the fact that you appreciate the evolution in the Hindi filmdom and try to appreciate to bea part of it. Yes, I can understand the kind of respect and honours that come yo you from fellow colleagues could sometimes be the cause of some sort of embarrassment to you as it eventually distances you from them in a way! It is again all right, how many in this industry would have shown sincerity and exercised disciplined existence for four decades to be able to reach where you have actually attained a status of the most reverred figure of Hindi Cinema. Man by nature is a bundle of nerves that pronounce his character that you had nerves of steel was on display when you were summarily rejected in your initial days you did not tend to give up or rather give up easily, you waited for the right moment and then you established yourself into the Amitabh Bachchan that we all know you.
I had never earlier recounted your good movies on this blog albeit I did talk of your failures when you first replied to my comments on the comments titles media is malicious in modern times. Today, for the benefit of my friends and fellow bloggers I take you and them to a journey of my interaction with one man called Amitabh Bachchan.
And please do not consider this as an act of sycophancy, I do not beleive in it, as I do not beleive in meeting you for no valid reason yet I would not desist to walk into you the day I feel that it could mean some gain for me you and the country I would shake off all my inhibition and be face to face with you! As of now it remains only a dream!
Sorry for taking so much your precious time, thinking of me as a younger brother please forgive in case I have hurt any of the sentiments knowingly or unknowingly in this or any of the past comments on this blog. I have enjoyed my existence here as much as one can enjoy sharing thoughts with someone as great as only Amitabh Bachchan could be!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas - Bachchans compared
Sadar Charan Sparsh,
I am here after some gap, my residence phone wasn’t working for two days now despite repeated booking of the complain, so no commnets on the eve or actual Christmas. Never mind, one knows the feelings and respect get communicated through the unknown line of communication in thought of someone you love dearly. I wish now in person, in black and white the very best to you for christams and the approaching new year. Yesterday, I got to see the superstar’s superlives on Zoom, I never got to see or knwo of Rohit Roy chat show which was mentioned in DNA sometime back. It was refreshingly good to get a reacpitualtion on your life this way.
I was busy with Dashdwar se sopan tak and now we are in the midst of the time and trials of your early Bombay life and the chaos and concern of your parents in moving over to Mumbai, of leaving behind what they had tresured in the 14 years of their existence at 13 Willingdon Crescent, of his love for his books and the management skills of Teji Bachchan, your mother to single handedly take care of various household things some of which was moved to Rajans in Banda ( not Bandra, where you had purchased a garage for some of the voluminous stuff!) That he still has to be on the move from Bombay to Delhi to Bombay was indicated by the author that it was not the last time that he had to switch places.
He has also described your first stint with movies with the Saat Hindustani, Reshma aur Shera, Anand and a long string of failures some despite the fact that Jaya ji was the co-star referring to Bansi Birju and Ek Nazar, the success of Namakharaam and later the Zanjeer when you decided to get into nuptial world with jaya ji, the event of marriage was the place where I last left the autobiography last night. Not able to fathom the words of shri Tarun Bhaduri who had been congratulated by Dr. Bachchan on his daughters marriage to you, he had said that his family had doomed! maybe he and family might have been the financial sufferer or so they might have had on mind! human mind is most curious to not to know how best to react to events of time in defined and desired manner. I think I personally had loved the thought of you marrying Jaya, we probably came to know of it only when we returned to Delhi from Port Blair.
There were times when I had shown and expressed my solidarity with you in no uncertain terms, especially at the service selection board of NDA interview at Bangalore in the summer of 1977, I had defended you by offering an argument to the Naval Captain that whenever a man reaches the top such false stories of association of his name to others are bound to happen, one can not take such allegations seriously.
I wish to reiterate here that I do have some plans to work on Dr. Bachchan, if time permits and the mental faculties support. I personally feel that translation of poetry is the most difficult and though the abridged translation of the autobiography by Rupert Snell exists ( I have not had an opprtunity to read!) I feel it is possible for me to do some translation of his autobiography for the benefit of larger section of the world who do not understand Hindi. I will approach you as and when I have some committed strength to attempt the translation, if someone has not already approached for the same! I know my literary english or Hindi may not be of that range and reach that I could undertake such an ominous task yet there is no harm in spelling out my desire to someone I consider my own brother!
Here for the benefit of the readers I may be allowed to add here that once Sumitranandan Pant seeing the palm of Child Amitabh had suggested to Dr. Bachchan that he is going to be thousand times more popular than himself! Not entirely true in the magnitude but symbolically I have no hesitation in accepting the fact that yes indeed you are far more popular than Dr. Bachchan. That I respect his achievements and find that he was far too creative in his own field than has been understood and accepted by us!
I think the post has been unduly long and I must take immediate leave of you and the others!
Abhaya Sharma, India, Decmber 26 2008 10:30 Hrs IST
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Vigyaan ke Dharatal!

I am bowled over by your confessions and commentary regarding life in the academic environment. What a nice gesture and a conscious effort to put across what is on the mind of the most talented and a super achiever. I do not deny that today some of the learning institutes in the country have really started offering the learning in a learned manner! That we have International schools and competitive stuff in almost all phases of learning that yes we must appreciate and applause our gains. Yet I would still not forget to remind you that it comes at a price and not everyone of us could afford the special schools and offerings from these wonderful schools. Again, there are still far too any children in India who do not get a chance to make it to school sometimes for their poverty sometimes for non-existence of facilities. We must change a bit to accomodate atleast those children who are talented and is still not having an opportunity to spend some time in schools.
Ooof! I have just giveb a thesis on learning! I never meant to contradict or challebge your wonderful thoughts yet every man learns something new from every phase of life. I learned it the hard way that I can not learn everything on this earth!
My poem Vigyaan ke dharatal reflects one half of my feelings!) I do not have a word or frontage copy of that poem so I will put it up on my blogsite which would have the picture of it.
Aapka anuj
Abhaya Sharma, India, December 24 2008 11:13 Hrs IST
Monday, December 22, 2008
बच्चन के प्रति
Sadar Charan Sparsh,
Well said, there is never ever a necessity of communicating with names of individuals especially when the collective thought is similar as in the case of your reactions to our comments. I believe this way every one would get the feeling that as if you are replying to him/her specifically! Here is a poetry I had written to honor Dr. Bachchan - not the best but the recent, kavi ka samman earlier on my website was probably a shade better! yet I do not hesitate to share what I think and wish others to know of me and my interaction with the world of Dr. Bachchan -
यदि कर पाता कुछ गुण बखान
कह पाता कुछ देकर सम्मान
बच्चन, हे मेरे कवि प्रधान
क्या कलमवीर थे तुम महान
शब्दों में शब्द नही मिलते
है भाव मेरे भी अधोखिले
विक्सित हो होकर ध्यान मग्न
कण कण मेरा तुमको अर्पण
मधुशाला के रचियता को
है अभय कर रहा आज नमन
इस जग मे कवि कितने आये
कितने आकर फिर चले गए
बच्चन की बात निराली है
कविता उनकी मतवाली है
नीड का निर्मांण फिर पढ़
बसेरे से दूर था मैने पढ़ा
क्या भूलूं क्या याद करू
दशद्वार से सोपान तक पढ़
इन चार खंड में यहां वहाँ
था गद्य तुम्हारा बसा रचा
नही कवि कि थी कोई कल्पना
थी सत्य की यह अनुपम रचना
पढ़ा तुम्हारा लिखा जगत ने
यह बच्चन की अद्भुत साधना
पढ़कर मन भावुक हो जाता
फिर भावों में था खो जाता
संघर्ष तुम्हारे जीवन का
है पथ दर्शाता मानव का
हे कवि महान शत-शत वंदन
अमृत भी करता अभिनंदन
अभय भारती(य), 23 दिसंबर 2008 07.18 (प्रातः)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Shrimati Teji Bachchan -First Encounter
प्रतिधव्नित करता रहा है
शून्य जो तूने कहा है
इसलिये तुमको प्रणय के
एक दिन देगी सुनाई
दुर्निवार पुकार।
I had received an urgent long telegram from my friend Prakash, the contents of which insisted that I shall possibly reach Bareilly from Abohar at the very earliest. The words in the telegram were grafted with such an intense request that I could not do anything other than reaching Bareilly. In fact it wasn’t a mere telegram it was a sort of a call of destiny!
There was a Lucknow bound night passenger from Delhi that also went via Moradabad-Bareilly. On 30th Morning I left Abohar fpr Delhi and reached there in the evening, from there took the night train and reached Bareilly on the morning of 31st. Prakash had moved into a new bungalow which was next to electric house. When I reached his bungalow riding a tonga, it must have been around six or six thirty. It is actually quite dark in winters at such early hours and Prakash was still asleep. His servant informed him of my arrival and he directed him to send me to his bedroom (Thinking – who possibly could have arrived at such an early morning!). He was still inside his quilt, a blue shade night lamp on his bedside was on. I sat close to his bedside, he took my right hand into his left and pulled it inside the quilt, pressed it in such a way so as to suggest and express to me – that whatever you have been through in the last two months is not unknown to me, I know everything! I am aware you have undergone multitudes of troubles, I have complete sympathy for that, don’t feel that you are alone, I am with you, try to cheer up, keep your hopes alive.
I said to myself, look who was expressing such great sympathy towards me, someone who had not been happy within himself. Who had hidden all his internal sufferings with his external smile, who was always highly considerate of every troubled soul, who wanted that every person be cheerful and happy on this earth! Atleast so very true for me!
(Here it would be appropriate to tell that Gyan Prakash Jauhari of Bareliiy college was a friend of Dr. Bachchan who had earlier helped and supported him in life in his tough times, that he had his own problems in life which he hardly discussed with others- he always tried to embrace his friends into happiness!)
कल मुर्झाने वाली कलियां
हंसकर कहती है मग्न रहो।
(The buds destined to be on deathbed the next day suggest with a smile remain cheerful!)
Only buds that are indifferent of their own fate can possibly propagate the thought to remain cheerful to others. With the murmurs of my arrival, his wife Prema also woke up in her bed. Aditya and Uma also joined us from their rooms and covered their feet with warmth of the quilt on Prakash’s bed. It was our first meeting since the death of my father, naturally the conversation had to begin with reflections of condolences and picking up of threads from thereon.
Mind is such an extremely wonderful machinery. No one knows, who could initiate it into which directions and at what speeds with what results. My mind took me to the old Allahabad days of Adityas’ room at new katara, All Saints House of Civil Lines, Women’s hostel of university, BaSudha cottage of Bailey Road ( which was thus enchristened by my fellow poet Pantji : Ba – Bachchan, Su – Sumitranandan and Dha – for Dharan which means to holding, i.e. the house of house of Bachchan and sumitranandan in short), the Phaphamau bridge, my father’s room at our katara home, lawan of the girls school where Iris was teaching, the deadbody of my father lying in the room of a flat close to Basudha, yes we are in the midst of expressions over his death, that they are probably unaware of yet another death in my family, that none would like to rake up such issues. All this crossed my mind in a flash of a second and was writ over my face. The condolences offered include substantially condolences for this other death too!
Such is the human nature that it understands and communicates without words being exchanged! What was going on in his mind, I could understand, and what I could understand was equally ably conceived by him quite well. Words sometimes are merely crude way of expressing feelings, when the situation is grave the eyes do conversation, the body language speaks, expressions on our face, colour of our skin - they all portray the state of our mind like no word could ever describe. And whatever was being communicated or expressed did bring to surface the same facts and thoughts that I once pretended that I wanted to erase from my memory that I believed I had left behind! In reality nothing can ever be left behind and forgotten, if we exert forces to expel such thoughts they seem to take deeper roots. I often feel that this exercise of forgetting becomes an object to remember what we like to forget! Prakash grasps the fact that atmosphere has become unduly tense and difficult to move ahead, he call his servant and orders him to serve tea to us. Tea arrives, Prakash indicates to Prema to call Teji as well , she must have been up by now.
I heard this name in his household for the first time. I am told teji, in fact is Miss Teji Suri, she teaches psychology in Fatehchand college of Lahore, where Prema had gone as a principal, Prema stayed with her in Lahore and and had asked her to join us for Christmas vacations. She is put up in the adjacent room.
In a flick of a second, one of the door opens up slowly, and miss Suri enters into our room – smiling, medium height, compact body with big eyes, long nose medium lips neither too full nor too thin, bright shining teeth, the chin only as round as could defy to be termed pointed – nearly a face of a greek woman. She had wrapped a black dupatta around her face that necessarily accentuated her fair complexion a little more. Her eyes were still beset with some tender sleepiness in them. She was wearing a purplish salwar kameez and just hung a woolen coat on her for protection from the cold. The moment she entered the room, I got up from my seat with little uncomfort of confronting a new face. Prema introduced her – my friend Teji, Prakash introduced me – My friend Bachchan. The beauty of the first sight of Teji was enough to attract with gratitude. Realizing the melancholic state of my mind had she not looked up at me with that impulsive impressive look of her tender eyes, I would have definitely turned my focus away from her! She settled herself on the other end of the Bed of Prakash, who had now adjusted himself to a half lying position to accommodate. I was sitting opposite her on the other end. So far there was only the glow of the night lamp in the room, I felt that after Teji entered it appeared as if another lamp had been lit, such was the glow of her presence!
I shall write more of the first encounter with Shrimati Teji Bachchan from the autobiography of our beloved great poet Dr. Harivanshrai Bachchan. I wanted to end this first writing with the observation that Miss Teji Suri entered the life of Dr. Bachchan as a source of new light!)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Bharat Mata ke Bete ... Dr. Bachchan

I could not resist translating it for rest of fellow Indians! hose who might not be able to follow Hindi, my translation is a very rudimentary and I a apologise if I have not been very effective in captivating the spirit of the original by Dr. Bachchan!
Sons of India – Dr. Harivanshrai Bachchan
We the sons of India, march heads held high !
We don’t put our eyes on the land of others
Nor let others to put their foot on our mothers!
Tonight we shall tell of how proud we sigh!
We the sons of India, march heads held high!
We seek and live for peace in our minds
Yet, challenges appear we face with pride
It’s the death for enemy that we take the tide
We the sons of India, march heads held high !
Ti’s a curse to let enemy grab one’s country
To endure that sure is a weakness a plenty!
Resist all evil plans of enemy in life
We the sons of India, march heads held high !
That the flag hurls and furls free of fear
Fearless be man and fearless the land!
To take hundred blows with always smile
We the sons of India, march heads held high !
Let enemy have the weapons infinite!
Yet the main weapon is valour in the fight!
On the rocks of history, where we do shine
We the sons of India, march heads held high !
Not to bend to the whole world aligned
Fire spread on earth or bombs bloats sky!
That victorious shall we return is the vow of time
We the sons of India, march heads held high !
Translation – Abhaya Sharma, India, December 20, 2008. 16:09 Hrs.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Dr. Indraneel Mittra - Breast Cancer in India
I remember having mentioned of Dr. Indraneel Mittra, FRCS, as an acquaintance from Anand Bhavan Days! Here for the larger benefit of fellow bloggers I copy paste a popular article by him on the Breast Cancer in India. I probably may not have time to translate it into Hindi. Now language does play an important role in a country’s progress! The great pain and strain Dr. Bachchan took during his assignment in Ministry of External affairs to promote Hindi fell on deaf ears and unwilling and non-co-operative bureaucrats.
Without holding all of you in this ugly langauge debate I should transfer you to he article by Dr. Mittra. Someday if we have one national language we could probably look forward to put all our great works in that language. As of today, I am afriad India does not have a national langauge of its own!
Professor Indraneel Mittra
The incidence of breast cancer is rising in every country of the world especially in developing countries such as India. This is because more and more women in India are beginning to work outside their homes which allows the various risk factors of breast cancer to come into play. These include late age at first childbirth, fewer children and shorter duration of breast-feeding. Of these, the first is the most important. In addition, early age at menarche and late age at menopause add to the risk to some extent. Family history of breast cancer increases the risk as follows: if a woman has a mother who has suffered from breast cancer her risk increases about 3 fold while having a sister with cancer, the risk increases by about 2-3 fold. About 5% of breast cancers are hereditary, i.e. due to a gene being transmitted either from the father or from the mother. Typically, these families have many members who fall victim to the disease, which tends to occur at a relatively young age and often affects both breasts. Two genes namely BRCA1 and BRCA2 have been identified although genetic testing, because of ethical, emotional and social implications that they carry, is still in the sphere of research in most developed countries except the U.S. Thankfully, the incidence of breast cancer is much lower in India compared to western countries. The incidence varies between urban and rural women; the incidence in Mumbai is about 27 new cases per 100,000 women per year while in rural Maharashtra it is only 8 per 100,000. The chances of cure in women who develop the disease is related to early diagnosis. There are 3 methods for early detection of breast cancer. Mammography i.e. X-ray of the breast, done at regular intervals, say every 2 years, is popular in the west. However, mammography is expensive, technology driven and requires stringent quality control and extensive experience on the part of technicians and doctors involved. If these are not available, mammography can do more harm than good by falsely diagnosing cancer or missing it when it is actually present. I would personally recommend mammography only in women who have a family history of breast cancer or other risk factors. The second method is for a woman to get herself examined clinically be a breast specialist. It appears that if clinical examination is done properly it may be as effective as mammography. The third method is self-examination whereby a woman examines her own breasts once a month after taking lessons from an expert. Many women however do not like doing self-examination often out of fear of finding cancer. Nevertheless evidence suggests that if the examination is done properly and regularly, it may help to detect breast cancer early. Typically, breast cancer arises from cells lining the milk ducts and slowly grows into a lump. It is thought that it takes about 10 years for a tumour to become 1 cm in size starting from a single cell. Once breast cancer develops, surgery is the usual treatment. If detected early enough, the breast can be conserved by removal of the lump alone without a mastectomy. In this case, the glands in the armpit are also removed. This treatment is followed by radiotherapy to the breast. Chemotherapy is usually given as an adjunct to surgery to kill any stray cells that might have escaped and lodged elsewhere. Anti-oestrogen drugs are also used very effectively in women whose tumours are responsive to hormones. The latter is determined by a laboratory test called oestrogen receptor test. Sometimes chemotherapy is given first to reduce the size of the tumour so that breast conserving surgery can be performed. Once breast cancer spreads to other organs the disease usually becomes incurable and the treatment is directed at relieving symptoms, if any. Nevertheless, much can be achieved with treatment by anti-hormone medications as well as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Many young women experience pain in their breasts, especially before their periods. Pain in the breast is usually not related to cancer and often settles down on its own. If severe, painkillers can be taken. Pain in the breast is rare after menopause. Many women have lumpy breasts which in medical jargon is called “fibroadenosis”. This again is not a precursor of cancer. Lumps in the breast in premenopausal women may sometime be caused by cysts containing fluid. This can be aspirated with a needle which usually cures the condition. Younger women sometimes have solid non-cancerous lumps called “fibroadenoma” which usually requires removal under local anaesthesia. Discharge from the nipple is not uncommon, but if it is bloody, this may sometimes indicate the presence of early cancer. To conclude, do not ignore a lump in the breast – see a doctor.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Dr. Bachchan - Rupert Snell
In league with you for living with your father - Dr. Bachchan is constantly in my thoughts mood and life, more so for the reason that I have been in the process of reading four epic volumes of his autobiography- a tantalising tale of the ups and downs, of his existence as a poet and otherwise, of times and phases that spanned his life. He was 95 plus when the poet breathed his last. But I say do such people really die, he lives amongst us with his great contribution in the form of literature mainly in the poetic form of which Madhushala could well be considered an enormous success with India and lovers of Hindi poetry.
For me, brother, I knew Dr. Bachchan before I came to know of you, his style of poetry reflected a mood that could well be understood and followed by the most common man and yet it had a great impact. I would consider myself fortunate if i could someday even achieve 1 percent of his style, he was inimitable, he was different, he was radical and someone who struggled, almost in the same vein as Premchand struggled in his lifetime. His contribution is higher than meets our eyes or what meanings we derive reading his poetry for the first time. I know some poet friends had written an antidote to Madhushala requesting someone to not to go to Madhushala. would care to agree less! Not that I am a perpetuator of wine house in any way yet I feel that his writings could never ever be associated to drive the people to dissolve themselves into wine! His was a symbolic poetry the one that could draw meanings of life from such a soft concept as the house of wine! Indeed he did achieve a great success for his Madhushala yet I would like to divert the attention of the connoisseur towards his four volume autobiography. After having read the two middle volumes and in midst of the first and final, I can not differ to agree that his prose is actually more emphatic than his poetry! It leads into life of those days of an ordinary middle class person who was acclaimed for his poetry yet had to face the music of life like any other Indian of that time! The Cambridge days story which is compiled in the third volume called Basere se door .. is simply a great reflection of the India and England of those days. That he was only the third Indian to be awarded a Ph.D from the prestigious university did not bring much accolades to him on his return to Allahabad.
Without going too much into Dr. Bachchan's life story I share the piece by Rupert Snell.
I have deliberately given the lik as it is from Pakistan, the one country that we all believe is our enemy to the core. He and his fame knew no bundaries!
Harivansh Rai BachchanHindi poet whose 1935 poem 'Madhushala' - 'The House of Wine' - drove audiences wild21 January 2003
Harivansh Rai (Harivansh Rai Bachchan), poet: born Allahabad, India 27 November 1907; married 1927 Shyama (died 1936), 1942 Teji Suri (two sons); died Bombay 18 January 2003.
In 1935, a young Hindi poet from Allahabad published a long lyric poem called Madhushala, inspired by Fitzgerald's translation of Omar Khayyám's Rubáiyát. The runaway success of Madhushala, whose title means "The House of Wine", made its teetotal author, Harivansh Rai Bachchan, the toast of northern India; he was in constant demand at the large-scale public poetry readings called "kavi sammelan", and his poem became the hymn of the age – its sweetly rhymed cadences still echo in people's memories today. More than mere literary success, this was stardom, and the poet's performances drew wild enthusiasm from his huge audiences.
Harivansh Rai, the son of a family from a modest United Provinces background, was born in 1907 in Allahabad, where his father was a clerk in the office of the Pioneer newspaper. The birth of a boy seemed a miracle to the sonless parents, and they named him after the Harivansha Purana, the Sanskrit text to whose devout recitation the happy event was attributed. The young boy seemed to have books in his blood, for he read voraciously during long childhood hours spent in Allahabad's libraries.
In adolescence, the early deaths of some intimate friends, including a boy named Karkal and Karkal's wife Champa, brought an acquaintance with grief that primed the nascent poet's verse with a bittersweet mood. Meanwhile the tide of politics ebbed and flowed: Mahatma Gandhi visited Allahabad, as did Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and a relative was witness to the 1919 massacre at Jallianwallah Bagh in Amritsar. Harivansh Rai's inner life echoed the vacillations of these outer events.
At the age of 18, he was married to a girl called Shyama, some three years his junior. Their sweet relationship provided the background to his student career and to his involvement in Gandhi's Satyagraha movement; but Shyama's fluctuating health was a constant worry, and she died within a few short years.
Deeply grieved, Harivansh Rai followed a series of uninspiring jobs, until at last a change of fortunes brought him a lectureship in the renowned English Department of Allahabad University. He thrived on this new work, whose unchallenging schedules allowed him ample time to develop his poetic persona; teaching English and writing Hindi became the two strings to his bow, and, if his heart-on-sleeve poetry did not always please the austere Hindi critics, his public popularity knew no bounds. The conventional need for a nom de plume had already been filled by his family pet name, "Bachchan", which means simply "child" or "little boy"; and the poetry kept coming, even if it was Madhushala that the rapturous audiences always demanded.
In 1942 Bachchan met and married Teji Suri, from a Punjabi family, and their life-affirming domestic harmony was soon underwritten by the birth of two sons, Amitabh and Ajitabh; Amitabh's registration at school was the first occasion on which the name "Bachchan" became confirmed as a family surname. In the early 1950s Bachchan took an unusual opportunity to study in St Catherine's College, Cambridge, where he worked on W.B. Yeats under the supervision of T.R. Henn, learning also the art of living on a few shillings in student digs, and noting, in this linguistically novel environment, that those shillings were called "bob", not "bobs".
Yeats's widow received him most graciously when he made a research trip to Ireland; and, although problems and distractions abounded, he became one of the first Indian students to complete a literature PhD at Cambridge. On his going back to Allahabad, however, the "England-returned" scholar was cold-shouldered by his jealous colleagues, and he soon left academia to work as a radio producer, then as a "Hindi Officer" in Jawaharlal Nehru's Ministry of External Affairs.
While living in Allahabad, Teji Bachchan had became a close friend of Nehru's daughter Indira. This family connection was maintained after the Bachchans moved to Delhi, where Teji blossomed socially, acting in Shakespeare plays translated into Hindi by her husband. Bachchan himself looked on his ministry work askance, realising that the establishment of a separate Hindi section in the ministry was a mere sop to the movement that sought to promote Hindi as a true national language.
Meanwhile the growing Bachchan boys found great success in their chosen careers: Amitabh became the very archetype of the Hindi film actor, while Ajitabh went into business. Gradually Bachchan himself became part of the cultural establishment, representing his country on numerous tours to foreign capitals, and receiving many honours including appointment as a member of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of parliament.
His writing continued unabated – always in Hindi, except for the English dissertation from Cambridge (published as W.B. Yeats and Occultism, 1965). From the Sixties onwards he began writing a serial autobiography, the first of whose four volumes, Kya bhulum, kya yada karum ("What Should I Forget and What Should I Remember", 1969), was quickly seen to be a modern classic, a sublime invocation of his family background and of the emotional turbulence of his early years. An English translation of Madhushala appeared in 1950 (The House of Wine, from the Fortune Press) and an abridgement of his autobiography in 1998 (In the Afternoon of Time, from Penguin Books India).
In retirement, often in indifferent health, Bachchan and Teji began to live under the long protective shadow of Amitabh in Bombay, amidst the supportive cast of an adoring family.
Harviansh Rai Bachchan leaves nine volumes of "collected works", including a legacy of accessible Hindi verse hardly to be matched by any 20th-century author.
Rupert Snell
Abhaya Sharma December 13 2008, 11.04 Hrs IST
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
भारत के प्रतीक
सादर चरण स्पर्श,
अगर उसकी यही इच्छा है कि वह आपसे मिल सके तो मेरा तो यही कहना है कि इसमें विशेष आपत्ति हमें नही होनी चाहिये क्या पता वह आपको उस सबसे अधिक जानकारी दे सके जो पुलिसकर्मियों को देने में अपने अपको असमर्थ पा रहा हो खैर यह आपका व्यक्तिगत मामला है मै इससे अधिक कुछ नही कहूंगा, हां अगर हो सके तो आप उसे यह कविता सुना सकते हैं जिसे मैने आज सुबह कुछ देर पहले हम सब भारतवासियों के लिये लिखी थी -
भारत के प्रतीक
कहना न होगा अब हमको
मन के भीतर झांक देखकर
तन से श्रम कर जन से जुड़कर
अपने भावों को संचित कर
जीवन की बाधा से बचकर
हीन भाव को अलग हटाकर
दोषारोपण को बाहर कर
अपने अपने जीवन पथ पर
फिर से एक बार फिर मिलकर
बन कर भारत के प्रतीक
फिर चलना होगा
देश को आगे करना होगा
मानवता की जड़ सहला कर
पौधा नया लगाना होगा
बनकर भारत के प्रतीक
हमको तुमको अब बढना होगा
राहों में तूफान मिलें
या आंधी झंझावात मिलें पर
उनसे बचकर कदम मिलाकर
मार्ग नया फिर चुनना होगा
बनकर भारत के प्रतीक फिर
इस धरती पर जीना होगा
आओ मिल संकल्प करें हम
अब देश की खातिर मरना होगा
बनकर भारत के प्रतीक फिर
अभय रूप धर अमृत हमको पीना होंगा
अभय भारती(य) 08 दिसम्बर 08
Peace, Harmony & Brotherhood
Sadar Charan Sparsh,
I take a leave from my self-promised writing in Hindi alone, reason, promises that are hard to keep shall be rectified to justify them. I would not day that I did not have tools to work in Hindi, yet I do find it one bit too difficult to apply myself ably to be able to put across my thoughts in Hindi as simply as I could do in English.
This particular episode involving the old man and the violin does bespeak of what harmony is all about! harmony followed your peace prayers now is the urn of brotherhood! we would all look forward for your words on something to encompass the brotherhood on this earth!
With this approach of addressing Peace, Harmony and brotherhoood, I now believe I can peacefully retire from the blog, an end has finally been achieved! The man who could change the world has finally taken upon the path best for the mankind and its evolution!
True, words do not necessarily bring about change yet the words that transform people, the words that express sincerity towards all, the words that promise the rise of a new dawn have always been welcome on this earth.
We respect the great amngst us for their words as much as for their actions. So please continue saying what pleases your mind and heart without considering the impact they may or may not have! Atleast History would record them as your words and someday, somewhere in some place on this earth they may become the most treasured pieces of literature and have the ability to influence a few who might seek the support from such words!
Have a great day! By the way, Snooker and Table Tennis were two sports taht I played and enjoyed a lot Golf being so very expensive is out of my reach for present and also for future!
I have got a DVD compiled by one of my nephew which has some rare collection of classical and non-classical songs from India. Not necessarily the best of all times yet a neat compilation, someday if I have the courage to meet you in person, I shall bring a copy of the same for you!
Here, in last three days I have seen three movies Abhimaan, Anupama and Bandini all great masterpices in their own right! There were quite a few events in Abhimaan which had reflections from my own life- The maths teacher spankig me and asking to bring the cane, probably hemight have just seen the movie as the event was around the same time probably 1974 or so! The other about my initiation into smoking was done out of boasting to friends and later was forced into it by circumstances to take a drag at the house of a school friend and my face had turned red from the first puff! obviously because of the accompanying cough!
Then when we had the first still born child in 1993, the movie abhimaan was being shown on TV on our return to home and endless tears flowed from both our eyes watching the movie! That day it rained a lot and I just told Savita that even God is crying at our loss! Thereafter, she had couple more missed abortions before Amrit was born to us in 1998 against all odds for the brevity of one Dr. Amrita Misri! needless to specify that he derived his name from her, she had played the role f God for us!
I think I have gone too deep into my own obsessions! Please forgive me for sharing my memoirs over here! I have completed reading Basere se door… the third part of Dr. Bachchan’s autobiography. It was marvellous and reflects the times and travails of Dr, Bachchan in no uncertain terms. Wonderfully written masterpiece which is so very transparent of his mind and his turmoil! I am indeed very fortunate to have read the two volumes, I am now in midst fo first and fourth volumes!
I would request you to bring out these volumes in a better format, the font of these volumes is too small, and I noticed at many a places in Basere se door .. .. the matras were missing!
Abhaya Sharma India, December 11 2008, 11:22 AM IST
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Wings of Flight
I do not write poetry as and when someone asks me and generally do never write in the daytime, I need the silence of night to collect and compose myself to create even a small piece! yet today, taking one of the quotes from your today’s quotes I wrote what is presented here :
आज फिर से पंख फैलाये दिशा में
बस उडा जाता हूं मैं
अपने ही मन में अमित को भाई माने
मान जतलाता हूं मै
उनकी आभा व्याप्त है संसार में
इस पे इतराता हूं मैं
बह रहा है खून जिसमें एक कवि के पुत्र का
बस झूमता कहता हूं मै
हे मेरे भगवन तुम्हारा धन्य हो जग में सदा
आज फिर जीता हूं मैं
अब नही है कोई सीमा ना कोई भी बांध है
आज फिर से नाचता गाता हूं मै
आज फिर से पंख फैलाये दिशा में
बस उडा जाता हूं मैं
अभय शर्मा, भारत 26 नवम्बर 2008 09.25 प्रातः भारतीय समयानुसार
I am afraid this is not so ameanable to translation, so my foreign friends in Rose, reeham Reshmi and Rochelle would forgive me!
In essence it says that -
Today I feel like flying to all directions with wings wide open
with the belief of Amit as my own brother I show respect
whose fame and name is widespread worldwide I take pride
In whose veins flows the blood of a son of a poet I admire a lot
Oh my god I thank for thee always as I feel like a winner again
Now there is no barrier no bondings I just live
Once agian I sing and dance around as
I keep on flying to all directions with wings wide open
I know the translation can not match my feelings, no translation can ever do it! Not even a translation by oneself!
I wish all my fellow bloggers the very best in life!
Abhaya Sharma, India.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Indian nature!
सप्रेम सादर नमस्कार,
मेरे मन में भारत के प्रति आशा की एक किरण अभी भी जागृत है, शायद सदैव रहेगी । हमारी मुख्य कमजोरी या कहिये विडम्बना यह है कि हम हार से पहले हार मान लेते है साथ ही जीत से पहले हम रोमांचित भी हो उठते हैं, बात हम लोग कुछ अधिक तथा अपने कार्य के प्रति उदासीन दृष्टिकोण रखते है । यह बाते सब पर एक समान लागू नही की जा सकतीं कुछ एक अपवाद अब भी बाकी है। अगर समय रहते हम अपने वर्ताब में उचित परिवर्तन ला सके तो हम अपने लिये एक उज्वल भविष्य की कामना कर सकते है। हमारे अंदर एक अन्य प्रवृत्ति विशेष रूप से विद्यमान है - दोषारोपण में हमसे आगे कोई निकल ही नही सकता, बैठे बिठाये दुनिया के हर व्यक्ति हर वस्तु हर पहलू में कहीं दोष ढूंढना हो मीन मेक बताना हो तो भारतीय जंतु से कोई भी देश लोहा नही ले सकता सबकी छुट्टी हो जायेगी ।
कहने चला था आशा की बात मगर भूमिका निराशाजनक हो गई, क्षमा चाहूंगा, हां मै यह कह रह था कि यथासंभव प्रयास करने से किस मुश्किल का हल नही किया जा सकता । हमारे अपने मन की बागडोर जो सर्वथा हमारे अपने हाथ में थी शायद आगे भी रहेगी, कोशिश करके हम अपनी मनःस्थिती को बेहतर बना सकते हैं । यहां मै अन्य भारतीयॊं से कतई भिन्न नही हूं, उन्ही रोगों से ग्रस्त हूं जिनसे बाकी सब, मात्रा उन्नीस बीस हो सकती है । उपचार के लिये यहां कुछ दोहे प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूं –
बुरा जो देखन मै चला बुरा ना मिलिया कोय ।
जो दिल खोजा आपना मुझसे बुरा ना कोय ।।
करत करत अभ्यास के जडमति होत सुजान ।
रसरी आवत जात से सिल पर परत निशान ।।
रहिमन धागा प्रेम का मत तोडो चटकाय ।
टूटे से फिर ना जुडे जुडे गांठ पड जाय ।।
बुद्धिहीन तनु जानिके सुमिरौ पवन कुमार ।
बल, बुधि विद्या देहु मोहि हरहु कलेश विकार ।।
अभय शर्मा, भारत, 2 दिसंबर 2008 9 बजकर 9 मिनट (प्रातः)
World AIDS day
सप्रेम सादर प्रणाम,
सुबह से ही मन कह रहा था कि आज विश्व एड्स दिवस के उपलक्ष्य पर अपने कुछ विचार आप के सहित अन्य लोगों के सामने रख पाता, खासकर इसलिये भी कि किसी समय पर मैनें कुछ अध्ययन इस विषय पर कभी किया था, सामाजिक रूप में कुछ कम पर वैज्ञानिक स्तर पर थोडा बहुत आज से बीस वर्ष पहले किया अर्जित ज्ञान शायद इतने लम्बे अंतराल में अधिक महत्व न रखे फिर भी यह तो मै कह ही सकता हूं कि विषय की जानकारी होने के नाते मेरे विचार असलंग्न असंबद्ध नही लगेंगें ।
रीट्रो वायरस पर आधारित यह रोग मुख्यतः तीन प्रकार से हमारे शरीर में आक्रमण करता है – पहला इससे ग्रसित किसी व्यक्ति के साथ असुरक्षित यौन संबंध द्वारा, ग्रसित मां से उत्पन संतान भी इसका शिकार बन सकते है तथा दुर्घटना वश इन्फ़ैकटेड इंजैक्शन के पुनः प्रयोग उपयोग द्वारा, कुछ नये कारण यदि सामने आये हों तब भी उनकी संक्रामकता से हम परिचित नही हैं ।
वायरस या विषाणु हमारी कोशिकाओं में प्रवेश कर इसकी प्रजनन प्रणाली का उपयोग कर अपना भी प्रजनन करते रहते है, इनकी मात्रा बढ जाने पर कोशिका अतिरिक्त अवयवों के अभाव में अपना सुनिश्चित कार्य कर पाने में असमर्थ हो जाते है, नष्ट हो जाते हैं । यहां अधिक विस्तार में जाये बिना यह भी बता देना उचित रहेगा कि एड्स वाइरस सामान्यतया पाये जाने वाले विषाणुओं से भिन्न है, यह डीएनए के बजाय आरएनए पर आधारित वायरस है।
गत 20 वर्षों से 1 दिसंबर को विश्व एड्स दिवस की स्थपना सामाजिक दृष्टि से की गई है, इसके अंतर्गत एड्स संबंधित उन सभी पहलुओं पर विशेष जानकारी उपलब्ध कराना है जिसके द्वारा इससे पीडित लोगों को सहायता मिल सके, बहुत सी जानकारी नैट पर उपलब्ध है लगभग विश्व के सभी बडे शहरों में एड्स केन्द्र इस दिश में कार्यरत है । विश्व स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र के अतिरिक्त कुछ अन्य विश्व्स्तरीय संगठन भी सहयोग प्रदान कर रहे हैं ।
आवश्यकता है कि लोग इस विषय में समुचित जानकारी का लाभ उठाकर इस संक्रामक रोग से अपनी सुरक्षा कर सकें । यह अनायास ही आपके शरीर में प्रवेश नही कर सकता पर साथ ही एक बार प्रवेश करने पर यह आपके अतिरिक्त आपकी पत्नी, प्रेयसी या किसी अन्य व्यक्ति जिसके साथ भी आप यौन संपर्क करेंगें उनमें भी प्रतिपादित होगा, इन संबंधों से उत्पन्न होने वाली संतान भी निश्चित ही इस भयानक वाइरस के शिकार बनेंगें । आज भी एड्स का समुचित इलाज हमारे वैज्ञानिक अभी तक नही खोज पाये है इसीलिये यह रोग अभी तक अत्यंत चिंता का विषय बना हुआ है, सैद्धांतिक स्तर पर एन्टीसेंस टैक्नोलोजी से कुछ आशायें थी पर प्रायोगिक स्तर पर इसकी विफलता से अभी तक कोई भी कारगर उपाय एड्स वाइरस को निष्क्रिय करनें में सफल नही हो सका है । एसे ही रोगों के लिये कहा गया है – रोकथाम उपचार से श्रेष्ठ है ।
अभय शर्मा, भारत, 1 दिसंबर 2008 11 बजकर 45 मिनट रात्रि प्रहर