Respected Brother,
Sadar Charan Sparsh,
I am bowled over by your confessions and commentary regarding life in the academic environment. What a nice gesture and a conscious effort to put across what is on the mind of the most talented and a super achiever. I do not deny that today some of the learning institutes in the country have really started offering the learning in a learned manner! That we have International schools and competitive stuff in almost all phases of learning that yes we must appreciate and applause our gains. Yet I would still not forget to remind you that it comes at a price and not everyone of us could afford the special schools and offerings from these wonderful schools. Again, there are still far too any children in India who do not get a chance to make it to school sometimes for their poverty sometimes for non-existence of facilities. We must change a bit to accomodate atleast those children who are talented and is still not having an opportunity to spend some time in schools.
I do not understand as to what kind of times you had at schools college and other times of learning, the first job one does is also a great school in itself. I for one had a great outing in school, this when I was no big achiever, when I had so any constraints to compare myself financially with most others, when I was not such a good student on my own, depsite the wrath of teachers that was inevitable, inspite of the unfinished homework, when I could not ride a cycle or have many other proud possesion which rest of fellow students enjoyed, depsite the fact that I had not enough decent clothes to protect during winters or many such other features which I did not possess I consider the time I spent in schools was the best ever of my nearly fifty years of existence. No, it would never be same for me to be able to get that feeling if I could manage to go to school, am now loathed with preferences and prejudices, I am poisoned with my own set of wrong or right beliefs that I can not be as free as that boy of 10 to 16 years who spent wonderful time i the Kendriya Vidyalayas of Air Force Station Agra, Aberdeen Bazar Port Blair of IIT Delhi.
I would not be able to equate my Hindu college days with same patronage or the one year at BARC training school which laid the foundation in me to be able to graft myself into science. I think the time that has gone by does not return it is different that one can learn or rather should keep learning each day from every opportunity one gets in life.
Ooof! I have just giveb a thesis on learning! I never meant to contradict or challebge your wonderful thoughts yet every man learns something new from every phase of life. I learned it the hard way that I can not learn everything on this earth!
My poem Vigyaan ke dharatal reflects one half of my feelings!) I do not have a word or frontage copy of that poem so I will put it up on my blogsite which would have the picture of it.
Aapka anuj
Abhaya Sharma, India, December 24 2008 11:13 Hrs IST
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